Mayank Jani

💻 Building great things for the web.

👨‍💻 Freelancer and indie maker.

❤️ Laravel, VueJS, TailwindCSS, Chrome Extensions and Flutter.

Work History
From design to frontend development, backend to server management, landing pages to public launches, I've had the pleasure of working on some of the most amazing products with great people.
Worked on some bug fixes and optimized the chrome extension as requested by the client.
FlickFocus - iOS App
Built and released fully featured iOS App for FlickFocus.
FlickFocus - Android App
Built and released fully featured Android App for FlickFocus.
Built HelloDocs to make it easy to create great documentation.
Intentio 2.0 - Product Hunt Launch (40+ upvotes)
Launched the new version on Product Hunt with very positive feedback.
Intentio 2.0 (100+ users)
Added new features - Downtime & Pomodoro 2.0 with custom positioning. Did some refactoring on older features to make them more refined.
Feed Santa Your Cookies
Built a chrome extension for a client to view and delete cookies in your browser in the Christmas spirit.
Intentio - Product Hunt Launch (60+ upvotes)
Launched on Product Hunt with very positive feedback.
Intentio (100+ users)
Built a chrome extension for a client to improve productivity. Block Sites, Focus Sites, Intent Questions and lots of customization!
Regrateful Jar
Built a chrome extension for a client to remind yourself of all the good things that have happened to you.
FlickFocus - Product Hunt Launch (30+ upvotes)
Launched FlickFocus with very positive feedback.
FlickFocus 2.0 (19,000+ page views/month)
Added new features - Social Feed, New Stats, Powerful Lists & more!.
EventPile - Android & iOS apps
Built the mobile apps for EventPile.
FlickFocus (19,000+ page views/month)
Created a user-friendly alternative to IMDb. Browse and rate Movies and TV shows. View beautiful stats of your favourite movies, directors, actors, and more!
EventPile 2.0
Extended EventPile to include event services & theatres.
Worked extensively with a client to build the next-generation event hosting platform.
Canvas Chrome Extension - Reddit Launch (3900+ upvotes)
Shared the extension on reddit with very positive feedback.
Canvas Chrome Extension (10,000+ users)
Built chrome extension to download Google Images in one click.
Ultidash - Product Hunt Launch (190+ upvotes)
The client launched on Product Hunt with very positive feedback.
Ultidash (8000+ users)
Built a chrome extension for a client that makes your new tab a productivity dashboard with features like Todos, Site Blocker, Pomodoro Timer, Browsing Analytics, Funny Greetings, and much more!
Mayank Jani